Dale, Julie, Owen, Coach Toomey, Jason C., and Paula are smiling after completing their last indoor track workout at the Reggie Lewis Center last Tuesday night.
Weekend of February 18:
The team had some great efforts put in last weekend around the Emerald Necklace, around the hills of Brighton, and in the wilds north of the Tobin Bridge. The common denominator? Perfect February weather! We’ve all been chatting with friends who have run the Boston Marathon in the past—especially last winter—who have shared their jealousy and anger that this is the weather that we have been training in. Then again, last year’s Boston Marathon was 50 degrees, light sunshine, and a tailwind, so if karma means anything…
The miles are definitely creeping up. Julie and Dale set out for a jaunt around the Emerald Necklace and a detour onto both Huntington Avenue and Centre Street in JP. All in all, it was 14 miles of lovely views and good company. It was great coming back into Franklin Park at the end of the run and seeing so many golfers enjoying the nine holes of open turf, again, in February!!!
Jared also enjoyed 14 miles around the J-Way and the Fens (how did we miss him?!). While the knees are healing, he is now realizing the importance of body glides and well placed band-aids on his chest. Bleeding nipples will only toughen up a runner and the team has faith that he’ll recover well. Jared was also looking for more hills on his run. Perhaps he should have joined Laura for her 12 hilly miles with her Dreamfar team?!
Jason C. joined a number of members of the Wicked Running Club and a few thousand others for Half at the Hamptons. He’s been training hard and said he felt great! Shari, on the other hand, had a relaxing Friday night in a hot tub with martini and realized that soaking in water does not mean that a marathon trainer is hydrating…nor do martinis…and as she set out to meet her training buddy for a hybrid road/trail run to get in 16 miles, she realized just how under hydrated she was! There were many comments, akin to Owen of a few weeks ago, about throwing herself into traffic, but the team is happy to see that she recovered nicely and sparked a good discussion about pre-, during, and post- run nutrition habits, which, sadly, does not include martinis!
Speaking of Owen, our speed demon found some company with some speedy guys from the North Shore who planned on on-course run at varying breakneck speeds. Owen and Mike kept a 6:10-6:30 pace for 14 miles when Mike decided that maybe his nutrition was a little off for a run at that pace. Owen swears he tried to bring the pace down, but “it's hard to convince oneself to slow when fast feels so good.” Following leaving a dehydrated Michael Smith on the road in the fetal position, Owen strided out a few sub-6:00 miles for good measure. Mike is fine and recovered with a nine mile run in Lynn Woods the next day. No one worry.
Nichole is excited to get back on track with her training. She has been on the job hunt and in a yoga certification program, leaving little time to focus on the long runs. The good news is that she has accepted a job offer with a group that encourages family fitness and is so excited to have her many loves coming together…and re-focusing on the Marathon!
Kristen took on a 13 this week…not with all the gusto the world had to offer, but everyone in Marathon training has those tough weeks. She took some time to rest and regroup, which in the end is the most therapeutic thing a runner can sometimes do!
We’ve had two flu victims on our injury report this week—Carleen and Paula—who are rumored to be recovering slowly but surely. Elizabeth is also starting PT for her bum knee this week, but has been keeping up her efforts on the bike and elliptical and in the pool.
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