Tuesday, February 28, 2012

"Catch the Bus" iPhone App Gives Back to the Franklin Park Coalition

In an age of GPS, iPhones, and technological wizardry, it was only a matter of time for someone to get creative enough to blend these together to make catching an MBTA bus a pleasant experience...or as one reviewer in the iTunes store said, it's "like having bus ESP!"

Jared Egan, a member of the Franklin Park Coalition Boston Marathon Charity Team, is the developer of Catch the Bus and Catch the T apps for iPhone users. One of his creative ways to raise funds to meet Boston Marathon goals and to bring awareness to the work of the Franklin Park Coalition was to create a link in the app.

"I didn't want to get too invasive since it's a paid app," says Egan. But the app does give riders a chance to support their neighborhoods and to learn about the history of the park and the current programming that the donation would support. "I get emails saying stuff like 'I would have paid $100 for this app!,'" Egan continues and hopes that people will transfer those thoughts into donations for a great cause.

To check out the app, visit Catch the Bus.

Screenshot of the Catch the Bus App in Action near Franklin Park.

Screenshot of the Catch the Bus App in Action near Franklin Park.

Information page about Franklin Park and Jared's fundraising efforts.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Franklin Park Coalition Boston Marathon Charity Team Member Places at the Hyannis Half Marathon

Owen Kendall, one of the founders of the Forest Hills Runners of Jamaica Plain, and member of the FPC Boston Marathon Charity Team, took second overall at the Hyannis Half Marathon on Sunday, February 26.

The Hyannis Half Marathon is considered a great race to test race paces for the Boston Marathon and was part of the suggested training plan for the Franklin Park team. When asking for pace advice for the race Marathon Team Coach, Mike Toomey, told Owen, "Stay with the lead pack. Win." For Owen, it was a brutal 13.1 miles and the first 800 meters of the race went out below 5:00 miles.

The winner of the Hyannis Half Marathon was Kevin Jillson, a Cape Cod local, who, according to a Cape Cod Times articles, "comfortably" beat Owen by 20 seconds. I'm sure both athletes would agree there was nothing comfortable about the hard work that went into a truly competitive road race.

After the run, Owen enjoyed a Atlantic Ocean ice bath with team member Laura Derderian's husband to soothe his overworked legs. 

The FPC Boston Marathon team is very proud to have such a star athlete gracing us with his presence, good running advice, and great humor along the way. To show your congratulations to Owen, you can donate to his fundraising page: http://www.razoo.com/story/Owenfpc.

FPC Boston Marathon Team members strike a pose before heading out for 13.1 miles of "fun" on Cape Cod.

To see the results from the Hyannis Half Marathon, please visit: http://www.coolrunning.com/results/12/ma/Feb26_Hyanni_set7.shtml 

Friday, February 24, 2012

Bleeding, Breakdowns, and Buzzes...Just Another Weekend with the FPC Boston Marathon Charity Team

The latest installment from our On the Run page.

Dale, Julie, Owen, Coach Toomey, Jason C., and Paula are smiling after completing their last indoor track workout at the Reggie Lewis Center last Tuesday night.

Weekend of February 18:
The team had some great efforts put in last weekend around the Emerald Necklace, around the hills of Brighton, and in the wilds north of the Tobin Bridge. The common denominator? Perfect February weather! We’ve all been chatting with friends who have run the Boston Marathon in the past—especially last winter—who have shared their jealousy and anger that this is the weather that we have been training in. Then again, last year’s Boston Marathon was 50 degrees, light sunshine, and a tailwind, so if karma means anything…
The miles are definitely creeping up. Julie and Dale set out for a jaunt around the Emerald Necklace and a detour onto both Huntington Avenue and Centre Street in JP. All in all, it was 14 miles of lovely views and good company. It was great coming back into Franklin Park at the end of the run and seeing so many golfers enjoying the nine holes of open turf, again, in February!!!
Jared also enjoyed 14 miles around the J-Way and the Fens (how did we miss him?!). While the knees are healing, he is now realizing the importance of body glides and well placed band-aids on his chest. Bleeding nipples will only toughen up a runner and the team has faith that he’ll recover well. Jared was also looking for more hills on his run. Perhaps he should have joined Laura for her 12 hilly miles with her Dreamfar team?!
Jason C. joined a number of members of the Wicked Running Club and a few thousand others for Half at the Hamptons. He’s been training hard and said he felt great! Shari, on the other hand, had a relaxing Friday night in a hot tub with martini and realized that soaking in water does not mean that a marathon trainer is hydrating…nor do martinis…and as she set out to meet her training buddy for a hybrid road/trail run to get in 16 miles, she realized just how under hydrated she was! There were many comments, akin to Owen of a few weeks ago, about throwing herself into traffic, but the team is happy to see that she recovered nicely and sparked a good discussion about pre-, during, and post- run nutrition habits, which, sadly, does not include martinis!
Speaking of Owen, our speed demon found some company with some speedy guys from the North Shore who planned on on-course run at varying breakneck speeds. Owen and Mike kept a 6:10-6:30 pace for 14 miles when Mike decided that maybe his nutrition was a little off for a run at that pace. Owen swears he tried to bring the pace down, but “it's hard to convince oneself to slow when fast feels so good.” Following leaving a dehydrated Michael Smith on the road in the fetal position, Owen strided out a few sub-6:00 miles for good measure. Mike is fine and recovered with a nine mile run in Lynn Woods the next day. No one worry.
Nichole is excited to get back on track with her training. She has been on the job hunt and in a yoga certification program, leaving little time to focus on the long runs. The good news is that she has accepted a job offer with a group that encourages family fitness and is so excited to have her many loves coming together…and re-focusing on the Marathon!
Kristen took on a 13 this week…not with all the gusto the world had to offer, but everyone in Marathon training has those tough weeks. She took some time to rest and regroup, which in the end is the most therapeutic thing a runner can sometimes do!
We’ve had two flu victims on our injury report this week—Carleen and Paula—who are rumored to be recovering slowly but surely. Elizabeth is also starting PT for her bum knee this week, but has been keeping up her efforts on the bike and elliptical and in the pool.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Team Member Highlight: Birthday Boy Jason Gerrol

For the next few weeks, we'll be highlighting our team members as they prepare to run the Boston Marathon for the Franklin Park Coalition.

Today is Franklin Park Coalition Boston Marathon Charity Team Member Jason Gerrol's birthday, so it's only fitting to have him be our team member highlight. Jason is a strong believer in the value of urban greenspaces for a healthy and vibrant urban population, and in particular healthy urban youth. His involvement on the marathon team is his first involvement with the FPC, but he looks forward to working with the team as a volunteer, even after he is done donating "his time and legs" to the cause.

Jason is a JP resident, recently transplanted from Cambridge and works as an attorney in Boston. Besides running, Jason loves to ski and has some musical inclinations which he may be sharing at an upcoming fundraiser! To learn more about Jason and his fundraising efforts, please check out his fundraising page, http://www.razoo.com/story/Fpcmarathoncharityteamjasong.

Jason will also be at Bella Luna next Wednesday for the Leap and Run for Franklin Park fundraiser--an event so great it only comes once every four years! Join the team for gourmet pizzas, raffles, and fun! Buy your advance ticket for $15.00 at http://www.razoo.com/story/Leap-And-Run-For-Franklin-Park.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Event Alert! Kareoke Night at Joco's Bar and Kitchen

Franklin Park Coalition Boston Marathon Team Member Jesus Fuerte is hosting a night a singing and fun at Joco's Bar and Kitchen on 450 Moody Street in Waltham this Wednesday night from 7:00 until the early hours of Thursday morning. Join Jesus in raising money to support the FPC, a group dedicated to protecting and improving Franklin Park and Boston's Emerald Necklace for all residents in Massachusetts.

There is a $10.00 donation at the door and all proceeds from the night will benefit the Franklin Park Coalition. There will be both a 50/50 raffle and a prize raffle with over $500.00 in prizes that have been donated from local businesses including the South Boston Running Emporium, the Skelling, Local, Sadies's, Margarita's, Edible Arrangements, and more.

To learn more about Jesus and his passion for running, please check out his fundraising page, www.razoo.com/story/fpcmarathoncharityteamjesus.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Long Run Antics

From our "On the Run" section from last weekend. This weekend many of our runners will be gearing up for distances between 13-18 miles on the course. It's a lot of work for a great cause!

"BAA On Course Charity Run, Breakdowns, Build Ups, and Mack Trucks"
Carleen, Dale, and Kristen took advantage of the BAA Official Charity Training Run that departed from Natick Town Common and extended to the FINISH LINE on Boylston Street. This run is organized by one of the BAA legacy charities, the American Liver Foundation, and provides runners who are training for Boston and working hard to raise some serious money with the opportunity to have a fully supported and simulated Boston Marathon training run. All three of our lovely ladies conquered “Heartbreak Hill,” and while the fear may still exist for race day on April 16, all were on “cloud nine” about a wonderful day with the other charity runners. Thanks also to the FPC executive director, Christine Poff, for taking Dale and Carleen to Natick and giving them a great sendoff!
Onto every bit of marathon training, a little injury must fall. Keep the positive vibes out there for Elizabeth who is battling a knee injury and spending a lot of time on the elliptical and in the pool right now. Jesus is also conquering an IT band issue and will be taking it somewhat easy for the next few weeks. On the flip side, Jared’s knee is FINALLY cooperating with his training plan and he is able to add on some miles. He completed half-marathon distance through Forest Hills Cemetery, Franklin Park, and a loop through the Arboretum. The moral of the story? There is hope for the injured!
Owen’s weekend of running was definitely hurt by a post-dental surgery infection, which has put him on two different antibiotics, dexamethasone (med student talk?!), and Percocet, plus lots of ibuprofen for the swelling. After consideration of jaw removal for the pain, Owen instead decided to go out and kill a long run…15.25 miles at race pace…which felt great. He credits the rest and good form, but perhaps the Percocet had something to do with the numbing effects of running 15.25 miles at a 6:00/mile pace?
Our ladies of the North Shore had some rough goings over the weekend. Paula may have still been in recovery from her 40th birthday extravaganza the weekend before…or her tempo run the night before…but said that she eventually got all of her miles in and done. Shari, on the other hand, had a series of malfunctions including getting lost on back roads (in her hometown), loose pants (no, she didn’t moon anyone), and dehydration…followed by a wine tasting to rehydrate. Celebrating the small victories in training is as important as celebrating the large ones!
Laura ran 15 miles Saturday morning in the snowy/rainy mix from Brookline High down Beacon Street through Kenmore Sq over the Mass Ave Bridge, down Memorial Drive down to the Cambridge St Bridge, turned around and went back to Brookline High where I left my group and ran the last 4 miles home to Oak Square in Brighton. Her map is pictured below.
Julie was up for a ski weekend in NH. Apparently she didn’t follow Jason G.’s advice from a few weekends earlier and certainly had a case of Jello legs when all was said and done. The run also wasn’t well planned on her part. It was much hillier than expected and the traffic on Route 16 was frightening to run towards. The views on her left hand side might have been babbling brooks and wooded glens, but the views on the right were giant 18 wheeler Mack logging trucks going about 50 MPH. Luckily, for every Mack truck that passed, there was a chance to stare up at Mount Washington…certainly a different vantage point than running around MA.

Carleen, are you confident you can finish the Boston Marathon...I think your answer needs to be YES!!!

Sprinting up Boylston!

The lovely NH views the Julie enjoyed on her left side...the right side included dodging Mack Trucks and Apres Skiiers from NY.

Laura's Running Map...if only it captured the glow of snow and ice!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Event Alert! Leap and Run for Franklin Park

Join the Jamaica Plain contingent of the Franklin Park Coalition Boston Marathon Charity Team for the Leap and Run for Franklin Park Night at Bella Luna. The marathon runners are raising money and awareness to support summer jobs, athletic activities, and preservation in Franklin Park and could use YOUR support.

Meet us at Bella Luna, located in the Brewery Complex, 284 Amory Street, JP on Leap Day (2/29) from 5:00-9:00 p.m. Advance tickets are $15.00 and available here. Tickets at the door are $20.00. Enjoy unlimited gourmet pizzas and meet the team members and staff who are working to make Franklin Park a better place for you and your families.

All ages are welcome. A cash bar will be available. Bring along a little extra money to win a chance at some great, local raffle items. A very special thank you to Bella Luna for putting together a fantastic night for the FPC!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Team Member Highlight: Jason Carraro

For the next few weeks, we'll be highlighting our team members as they prepare to run the Boston Marathon for the Franklin Park Coalition.

Jason Carraro is honored to be running for the Franklin Park Coalition. Jason is not a lifelong runner, but has accomplished more in a year-and-a-half than many do in a lifetime of running. "I found running about a year and half ago. I started for the purposes of losing weight and improving my health, specifically my blood pressure. Over the course of the past year I have fallen in love with the sport, improved, and learned more about running and some things about myself. "

Jason has had the opportunity to run in Franklin Park on a couple of occasions and wanted to help raise funds for a great organization that takes care of a beautiful green space. "Franklin Park is a great area that hosts many activities for inner city youth to enjoy. I enjoyed the beauty of the park the few times I have run in it and I believe it needs to be preserved so many others can enjoy it as well. It is important to keep Franklin Park a fun, safe, and beautiful place for children to enjoy."

Jason is a member of the Danvers 5k and Wicked Running Club. He has reached goals he never thought he could when he started. In 2011, Jason ran the New York City Marathon, his first, and now is excited to run in the most prestigious marathon in his hometown on April 16.

There are a couple of ways that you can support Jason. First of all, he and teammate Shari Hewson are co-hosting a Comedy Night at Prince Pizzeria/Giggles Comedy Club on Friday, February 24 from 6:30-9:30. Details are available at: Jay's online fundraising page.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Event Alert! Comedy Night at Prince Pizzeria on Route One to Support the Franklin Park Coalition

Join Boston Marathon Charity Team members Shari Hewson and Jason Carraro at Prince Pizzeria/Giggles Comedy Club on Friday, February 24 from 6:30-9:30 to support their fundraising goals for the Franklin Park Coalition.

Tickets are $20.00 and include unlimited pizza and the comedy show. There will also be raffles from some great, local businesses. A cash bar will also be available.

The doors open at 6:30 and the show starts at 8:00.

Check out the official invite on facebook for more details:

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Team Member Highlight: Elizabeth Belcher

For the next few weeks, we'll be spotlighting our charity runners on the front page of the
FPC Marathon Charity Team blog.

Starting in alphabetical order, we're highlighting Elizabeth Belcher. Elizabeth is a social work student at Wheelock College, as well as a loving nanny for several Jamaica Plain families. Elizabeth is running the Boston Marathon for the Franklin Park Coalition especially with the hope of helping to provide healthy activities and programs for youth, in order to prevent teenage tobacco, alcohol, and substance use. "I feel very strongly that parks and recreational areas have the potential immensely enhance one’s physical, mental, and spiritual wellness."

Upon moving to Jamaica Plain in the fall of 2010, Elizabeth took up running in Franklin Park as a commitment to self-nurturing and wellness. "As soon as I moved to Jamaica Plain, I fell in love with Franklin Park. I had recently quit smoking, took time off from school, and removed myself from an unhealthy relationship and environment. Stripped of my previous vices and in the midst of significant personal growth, I was striving to find healthy outlets and habits. Franklin Park was a great asset to my continuing path of achieving inner peace."

In addition to running, her past-times include strength-training and creative expression.  A poet and self-taught pianist, Elizabeth holds a strong belief in self-empowerment through art and movement as tools for community and personal advocacy.  

To support Elizabeth's fundraising efforts, please visit: http://www.razoo.com/story/Fpcmarathoncharityteamelizabeth

Monday, February 6, 2012

Get Fit! Yoga & Fitness Walk

Join the Franklin Park Coalition and the Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site staff to explore the connections between inner and outer tranquility while exercising. You'll learn about renowned park designer, Frederick Law Olmsted's landscape and how his plans for the park sought to counter the stress of urban life. The group will meet at the Franklin Park Golf Clubhouse at 11:00 a.m. and the program lasts until 1:00 p.m on Saturdays through February.

Indoor and outdoor dress needed and yoga mats provided. All are welcome - newcomers and experienced Amrit yoga practitioners.

This program is free but limited to 20 participants, so pre-registration is strongly suggested. Register by calling 617-396-7918 or email  rsvp@franklinparkcoalition.org

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Franklin Park Coalition Boston Marathon Charity Team Member Completes Sunsmart Ironman

Our overseas team member, Piotr Krupa, recently completed the Sunsmart Ironman in Western Australia. Needless to say, he is on track for his Boston Marathon training and is looking forward to coming to the city to meet the team in person. To learn more about the race, and to see some shots of summer in Australia, check out the Sunsmart Ironman homepage.

A marathon is only part of an Ironman challenge. The Ironman began as a challenge between a group of Navy Seals and has turned into one of the largest endurance events in the world. Officially, the Ironman consists of a 2.4 mile swim, a 112 mile bike ride, and a 26.2 mile run. The "season" is capped off with the Ironman championships, which are held each year at Kona, Hawaii.

Na Zdrowie to Piotr for a job well done!

Piotr completeing the 2.4 mile swim.

You need some gorgeous views when you riding for 112 miles.

Marathon man...and then some!

Now, it's time for the Boston Marathon!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Thank You to the South End Athletic Company

Last night, members of the Franklin Park Coalition's Boston Marathon Charity Team were invited to the South End Athletic Company's Charity Mixer. The professional staff fitted the team with new running shoes, gave us some great advice on running clothing and gear, and for those of us who weren't off to Coach Toomey's track workout, treated the team to some Harpoons for hydration. 

For any runner, the shop is great--locally owned with a variety of services to the running community including video gait analysis, varied product lines, and group training runs. They are also incredibly generous to all of the charity teams and it's nice to be rewarded with a little discount when the team is working hard to raise money for Franklin Park.

Getting into the Super Bowl Spirit for Franklin Park

Here is a way you can:

1. Support one of our FPC team member's fundraising efforts
2. Make the Super Bowl a little more interesting
3. Win a little money for you!

Help support Nichole Bukowski's fundraising efforts for the Franklin Park Coalition Marathon Charity Team and enter to win money during the Superbowl all at the same time by entering a charity football square drawing.

You can email the organizer at SteveKanniard@KW.COM to buy football squares for the upcoming Pats/Giants brawl. The squares cost $10 and there will be a 100 total squares sold. The total pot will be $1000 and $400 will go to the Franklin Park Coalition and $600 will go in the payout pot ($100 1st quarter, $200 halftime, $100 3rd quarter, $200 final).

There is no skill involved in the squares. It is all luck! Once all squares are sold, the numbers will be drawn randomly to determine your potential winning numbers for the big game! The entire sheet with all numbers will be sent via email to all who have purchased squares on Saturday February 4th.