From our "On the Run" section from last weekend. This weekend many of our runners will be gearing up for distances between 13-18 miles on the course. It's a lot of work for a great cause!
"BAA On Course Charity Run, Breakdowns, Build Ups, and Mack Trucks"
Carleen, Dale, and Kristen took advantage of the BAA Official Charity Training Run that departed from Natick Town Common and extended to the FINISH LINE on Boylston Street. This run is organized by one of the BAA legacy charities, the American Liver Foundation, and provides runners who are training for Boston and working hard to raise some serious money with the opportunity to have a fully supported and simulated Boston Marathon training run. All three of our lovely ladies conquered “Heartbreak Hill,” and while the fear may still exist for race day on April 16, all were on “cloud nine” about a wonderful day with the other charity runners. Thanks also to the FPC executive director, Christine Poff, for taking Dale and Carleen to Natick and giving them a great sendoff!
Onto every bit of marathon training, a little injury must fall. Keep the positive vibes out there for Elizabeth who is battling a knee injury and spending a lot of time on the elliptical and in the pool right now. Jesus is also conquering an IT band issue and will be taking it somewhat easy for the next few weeks. On the flip side, Jared’s knee is FINALLY cooperating with his training plan and he is able to add on some miles. He completed half-marathon distance through Forest Hills Cemetery, Franklin Park, and a loop through the Arboretum. The moral of the story? There is hope for the injured!
Owen’s weekend of running was definitely hurt by a post-dental surgery infection, which has put him on two different antibiotics, dexamethasone (med student talk?!), and Percocet, plus lots of ibuprofen for the swelling. After consideration of jaw removal for the pain, Owen instead decided to go out and kill a long run…15.25 miles at race pace…which felt great. He credits the rest and good form, but perhaps the Percocet had something to do with the numbing effects of running 15.25 miles at a 6:00/mile pace?
Our ladies of the North Shore had some rough goings over the weekend. Paula may have still been in recovery from her 40th birthday extravaganza the weekend before…or her tempo run the night before…but said that she eventually got all of her miles in and done. Shari, on the other hand, had a series of malfunctions including getting lost on back roads (in her hometown), loose pants (no, she didn’t moon anyone), and dehydration…followed by a wine tasting to rehydrate. Celebrating the small victories in training is as important as celebrating the large ones!
Laura ran 15 miles Saturday morning in the snowy/rainy mix from Brookline High down Beacon Street through Kenmore Sq over the Mass Ave Bridge, down Memorial Drive down to the Cambridge St Bridge, turned around and went back to Brookline High where I left my group and ran the last 4 miles home to Oak Square in Brighton. Her map is pictured below.
Julie was up for a ski weekend in NH. Apparently she didn’t follow Jason G.’s advice from a few weekends earlier and certainly had a case of Jello legs when all was said and done. The run also wasn’t well planned on her part. It was much hillier than expected and the traffic on Route 16 was frightening to run towards. The views on her left hand side might have been babbling brooks and wooded glens, but the views on the right were giant 18 wheeler Mack logging trucks going about 50 MPH. Luckily, for every Mack truck that passed, there was a chance to stare up at Mount Washington…certainly a different vantage point than running around MA.
Carleen, are you confident you can finish the Boston Marathon...I think your answer needs to be YES!!!
Sprinting up Boylston!
The lovely NH views the Julie enjoyed on her left side...the right side included dodging Mack Trucks and Apres Skiiers from NY.
Laura's Running Map...if only it captured the glow of snow and ice!