Thursday, January 31, 2013

Toomey is Full of Tips

Here on the Franklin Park Coalition Boston Marathon Team, we've got a coach who is not only USATF certified, but loves to help us out in anyway he can. Last year, he attended many of our fundraisers and was even a guest bartender for one of them.

That being said, he also knows how to torture us as well. If you've been on the hunt for a great core workout, look no further than this set of core torture:

Core Circuit

25 x Jump Ups - from the crouching/squatting position, spring upward and extend your arms fully over your head then return to the crouching position and repeat as quick as possible in one fluid motion.

10 X Decline Push-ups Like regular push-ups but with your feet at least 2 feet elevated over your head.

15 X Superman Lie on your stomach, flex your arms and legs upward until you form a half circle, relax and repeat.
10 X Yoga Push-ups - Place your hands and feet roughly 3 feet apart-{you should form an upside down V), but directly lined up with each other-this is called the downward dog position in yoga. Now scoop your head/face forward along the ground until you are in a sloped holding position with your arms and shoulders locked. This be should a position that has your whole body in it's forward most position. You knees should never touch the ground. Now return to the original position in the same manner that you arrived at the locked forward position.

5 X 30 Count In-n-Out Abdominal Holds Lie with your legs and back flat and your hands at your sides. Raise your feet 3 inches off the ground and hold for five seconds, then move your legs out to the fully spread position, keeping them 3 inches off the ground, and locked for another five count. Continue until the total time is a 30 count, then rest for a 5 count and repeat.
15 X Regular Push-Ups

30 X Alternate Leg Chinnies- Lie with your back flat on the ground, with your legs bent in the 90-degree position. Now alternate bringing your elbow to the opposite knee. These are also known as bicycle crunches.

10 X Triangle Push-Ups - From the standard push-up position; place your hands directly below your chest and form a triangle with them using your thumb and index finger. Your legs should also be as far apart as possible, forming a big V. Now do a push-up.

40 X Weighted Crunches - Use a heavy book or a weight {5-15Ibs) to do a standard crunch.

25 x Chair Dips – using the tallest chair you can find, place your hands on the front edge. With your legs out in front of you resting on a surface as tall as the chair, lower yourself until your butt touches and then raise yourself.

15 X Morning Glories - Lie on your back fully extended with your arms stretched above your head. Now bend upward until you form a U with your hands meeting your feet directly above your waistline. You should be perfectly balanced on your butt. Relax back to the starting position and repeat.

25 X Leg Lunges_(each leg) -Standing with your hands on your waist for balance, take a giant exaggerated step forward so that you end up with your forward leg in the 90- degree position and your other leg fully extended and straight. Your back should be straight the whole time.

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