Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Getting Ready for the Big Day

Here's what we're reading at FPC this week to make sure we are the best cheering section along the marathon route:


Stationed at Mile 14, in a small park next to the Wellesley town library, we welcome anyone to come join the party. You can set up lawn chairs with us under the Franklin Park Coalition banner, or stop by the table for gatorade, swedish fish, a banana or whatever you need if you're on the course.

This coming Saturday is the last long training run along the course. After that FPC team runners will start to wind down the miles to be ready for the full 26.2 on April 21st.

Here are a few shots from last week's run, it's great being out at a support stop to hear how they're feeling.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Martin Richard Foundation

I occasionally am sent updates about the Richard Family. It may be too much to share so close to the big day when we are thinking about last year's tragedy, training to run 26.2, and coping with all of our everyday lives. But if it helps to think about the strength and love surrounding the survivors - and so many of you on the FPC Team are included in that group ...

The Richards ran in the Turkey Trot this fall and our generous Franklin Park playground philanthropist would like to add a playground to the Shattuck picnic grove in Martin's memory. The family's Dorchester community intertwines with our Franklin Park community.

If you'd like to see the beautiful updates written by Martin's parents:


Jane Richard

Thursday, March 20, 2014


Calling all JP runners! The Jamaica Plain Gazette wants to do an article on the FPC marathon team and feature JP team members. Look for an email from Rebecca, their local reporter. And to all you readers - look for an article in the next issue.

JP runners: will you be at the training run on Saturday? Let's plan a photo shoot!


Monday, March 17, 2014

The Firehouse Loop

It was great to be out Saturday with a big group of FPC marathon team members doing the 20 mile double Firehouse Loop that leaves from Heartbreak Hill Running Company. I didn't get photos of everyone (Derly, Vicma, whoever else - I am so sorry!) But here's a bunch of our team members. Some running, some posing, one getting a rock out of his shoe, and a few just on a break. And there was a weird gorilla guy named Heartbreak Hill Bill dying to get his photo taken. We'll be out on the course again this coming Saturday!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

2014 Security & Final Team Hoyt Run

Thought all of you focused on the marathon would be interested in this news:


We are trying to learn details about the security plan to be sure we can set up our usual FPC stop in Wellesley that runners can access. It sounds as though it may be difficult to bring gear - like water jugs and bags of snacks. Some kind of barrier will be lining the route. Our favorite thing is to run out and hug our FPC runners as they come cruising through Wellesley!

If you've read any more specifics or heard anything helpful, let us know!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Last Half Boston Marathon Training Run

Some of our runners took on the Boston Marathon course on Saturday--well--the last 13.1 miles of it. We have to say, our team is looking fantastic out there. Despite some creeky joints and messy ankles, it was a great day on the Newton Hills. Enjoy some pictures of our fabulous team and we'll have more details from the rest of the team later this week!

Can't wait to cross this on April 21.

We're trying to get our runners on the course--all of the course--so there are no surprises on Marathon Monday.

Hammah starts on the Newton Hills.

Jeanette and Mike looking strong on the first of the hills.

One of the more important turns on course.

Jeanette and Mike about mile 9 of the training run.

Jared is stylin' around training mile 9.

Javier and Debbie ready to plow through training mile 9.

Debbie looks radiant at training mile 9.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Wanna run a 5K?

Derly Ortiz is organizing a virtual 5K this weekend. You don't need to stress about where to meet or a time to run or walk--just get out and do a 5K in a show of support for Derly's hard work and her training and fundraising efforts. You'll get a cool virtual medal and a sense of Sunday satisfaction for a job well done!

Registration is $21.00 and available at: at https://www.racemenu.com/events/35291-March-Madness-Virtual-5K. All proceeds support the youth and athletic programs with the Franklin Park Coalition.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Marc's Push for the Fundraising Finish Line!

Looking for a fun way to support a member of the Franklin Park Coalition Boston Marathon Team? Head over to James Gate in JP this Saturday from 1:00-4:00 p.m. for an afternoon of fun and friends and Franklin Park. $20.00 gets you an afternoon of snacks, a raffle ticket for some great prizes (listed below), a cash bar, and the company of great folks.

You can support Marc here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/marcs-push-for-the-fundraising-finish-line-tickets-10710803301.

Hope to see you Saturday!

  • Gift cards to J.P. Licks, City Feed, and Kitchenwitch.
  • 2 passes to Yoga For Runners at JP Yoga (right above City Feed on Centre!)
  • A gift bag of dog treats and fun from our friends at Polka Dog Bakery
  • Some *excellent* cellared beers courtesy of one of one of FHR's finest (I would buy tickets for these if I could)
  • And, I'll be putting together a gift pack of the specific fuels that the B.A.A will be providing on Marathon Monday so you can get yourself acclimated.  

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Marathon love still strong in Boston!

I love these flash mob things and keep wondering if we can do something like this in Franklin Park at one of the festivals when there are a lot of people out.


I think this one is a pre-cursor to all the love you are gonna feel along the marathon route!

Think of this when training in cold, snowy, slushy weather.


Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Some business, some politics, and some fun in the snow with the FPC

Here at FPC we've been worried about runners training in the cold, on icy roads. Glad to see all of our Super Heroes doing fine and making light of it all!

Lots of city park political activities last week. We organized a thank you party for outgoing Parks Commissioner, Toni Pollak. With an 11-year tenure she was the longest running commissioner in Boston's history, kind of amazing. The Copley Plaza donated a party room and more than 200 people came! It was more of a downtown crowd than we are used to out here in Roxbury-Dorchester-JP.

L to R: Julie Crockford, Emerald Necklace Conservancy; Liz Vizza, Friends of the Public Garden; Toni Pollak, Commissioner; yours truly from FPC; and Valerie Burns, Boston Natural Areas Network.

The next day the Environment, Energy & Open Space transition team presented its recommendations to the new Mayor and his policy staff. He responded at first with the comment, Everywhere I went on the campaign trail last summer and fall, the environment and the arts were the two most frequently raised issues." Mayor Walsh has asked every department to cut 1% of their budget to balance city finances in the coming year, but Parks will not be cut - this is a HUGE win. For the first time in my tenure at FPC parks are a priority!

Two transition team members with our new Mayor

After all the downtown activity, I was back in the park on Friday with my favorite Trotter elementary school class. We looked at winter trees, found places where animals might hibernate, hunted for food that winter birds might eat, and learned how some birds are able to withstand the cold and don't migrate. The excitement and learning that takes place with these 2nd graders is contagious. They are a treat to be with in the outdoors. They love it!